Density / Field Testing
Our field density testing services are now available for both regional and metro projects.
We understand the pressures and expectations involved in field density testing, with availability, fast turnaround times and competitive pricing the key requirements of clients.
GSG invested considerable time into developing our field density testing services. As a client, you can feel confident that testing will be completed accurately, efficiently and to the highest standard using industry best practice.

Our understanding of annex laboratories and the collaborative efforts required for
projects in this area set us apart from competitors.
There are no hidden charges for testing, day trip, overnight stay or regional annex
laboratory projects, and our pricing is unmatched.
Our services in this area include, but are not limited to:
- Australian standards and Main Roads
- Western Australia nuclear density testing
- Annex laboratories
- Penetrometer testing, penetrometer correlation field and laboratory methods
- Dynamic cone penetrometer
- Perth sand penetrometer
- Clegg impact hammer
- Field permeability assessment
- Sampling for all material types